Blight of the Green Witch is Released!
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 09:24:56 AM
Dear tasty foodfolk of Silverplate,
Greetings from the flavorful realms of Silverplate! We hope this update finds you with taste buds tingling and a hunger for the latest updates on our culinary escapade through Blight of the Green Witch and Other Adventures:
Blight of the Green Witch is Released
Gather ‘round, culinary companions! The time has come to feast your eyes upon the delectable tales within Blight of the Green Witch and Other Adventures. Grab your digital serving spoons because the PDF version is now hot off the stove, ready for your enjoyment. Yet, enough words from us, here, see some of the pages for yourself!
Printing in the Oven
Picture this: the aroma of fresh ink, the sizzling hum of printing presses – we’re preheating the ovens for the first week of January! The printing process is about to bake into action, bringing the savory tales of Silverplate to life in tangible form.
As the kitchen bustles with activity, we’re setting the timer for 1.5 months, for all the ingredients to meld seamlessly into the final masterpiece. Every page, every illustration, and every spice is about to get its time to shine. We presume the printing will be complete in around mid to late February or early March.
Countdown for the Feast
Ah, the seas of global freight shipping are as unpredictable as a soufflé’s rise. There’s a dash of excitement as we anticipate our freight cargo setting sail in March. If that’s the case, we predict the books will reach our shipping hubs by mid-April, tantalizingly close to delivery feasts beginning in early May.
These estimates are a starting point, subject to the delicate dance of logistics. The estimated dates will be more accurate as we progress further.
Shipping Fees
Shipping fees will be revealed and collected closer to the shipping time, once the printing is complete. We’ll give you plenty of notice so you can prepare your wallets and taste buds accordingly.
See You on Our Next Update!
Thank you for being our esteemed guests on this flavorful adventure. Your support is what makes Silverplate truly special, and we can’t wait for you to savor every page of our culinary creation.
Until then,
Stay sweet!
Blight of the Green Witch is in Layout!
about 1 year ago
– Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 02:25:55 AM
Dear tasty foodfolk of Silverplate,
We are here today with a prompt and important update regarding news about our adventure book Blight of the Green Witch and Other Adventures, as well as our campaign setting Tasty Lands of Silverplate.
Blight of the Green Witch is in Layout
We’ve been cooking up something special in the Silverplate kitchen, and we’re thrilled to share the latest updates with you! While the shorter adventures in our adventure book, “Blight of the Green Witch and Other Adventures”, are going through the editing and proofreading phases, we’ve begun the layout of the main adventure! After the layout is done, we will be making final revisions to get the PDF ready for print.
Here are some of the artwork from Blight of the Green Witch!
Battle Maps
Additionally, we'd be thrilled to share some of the stunning battle maps created for Blight of the Green Witch. We believe these maps showcase the exceptional aspects of Silverplate beautifully.
Getting Ready for Print
But that's not all! We're also hard at work crafting the print PDF for “Tasty Lands of Silverplate”. Once the layout for “Blight of the Green Witch” is also complete and the PDF is print-ready, we’ll be jumping right into the sampling and printing process. It’s like waiting for the perfect dish to come out of the oven—the anticipation is real, and we want everything to be just right for you. Our foodfolk heroes deserve the best, after all!
See You on Our Next Update!
We’re beyond grateful for your support and patience as we bring Silverplate to life. This delightful project is a labor of love, and we’re thrilled to have you on this adventure with us. Get ready for a feast of epic proportions!
Stay tuned for more updates, and let the countdown to sampling and printing begin!
Until then,
Stay sweet!
Tasty Lands of Silverplate is Released!
over 1 year ago
– Sat, Aug 26, 2023 at 10:27:52 AM
Dear tasty foodfolk of Silverplate,
We are here today with the PDF release of the Tasty Lands of Silverplate! There will still be updates to the PDF, and we’ll ask for your aid through error forms, so that we can make the print document as flawless as possible. We really hope you enjoy playing the game as much as we enjoyed writing it!
We’ve already sent out the e-mails, so please be sure to check the e-mail you’ve provided us with through Kickstarter. If you do not receive the PDF within a couple of days, please send a message to us through Kickstarter, and we’ll get the file to you as soon as possible.
You’ll also find some sneak peeks to the book below.
We Would Appreciate Your Feedback!
Please note that this is not the final version of the PDF, and that it will be revised before the print. Please take your time to look at the PDF and let us know if you see any errors or if you have any suggestions. You can do so by filling the form here:
Blight of the Green Witch and Other Adventures is on Editing
We have also finished the revisions on the Blight of the Green Witch and other adventures. The book is currently in the editing phase. After the editing is complete, it will get into the layout phase.
We’ll see you on our next update with more reports on our progress!
Until then,
Stay sweet!
Tasty Lands of Silverplate is Due!
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 06:09:16 AM
Dear tasty foodfolk of Silverplate,
We are here today with news about the latest developments on Silverplate. We know it has been a while since our last update, and we are sorry for this delay. We've been posting our DRS Weekly articles on our website that included weekly development notifications on the campaign, but we wanted to prolong the posting of this update so that we’d have more information to provide to you with.
Tasty Lands of Silverplate is Due!
We are finally on the brink of the release for Tasty Lands of Silverplate’s PDF. We will make our first partial release next week. Yet, since we have failed to make the partial releases we mentioned a while ago, we are working double time and planning to go for the full release of the PDF right after this partial release. So you can expect the full release of the PDF in the upcoming weeks.
Before the release, here is a taste of the artwork!
Blight of the Green Witch is on Revision
Our adventure book, Blight of the Green Witch and Other Adventures is completely written. We are currently revising the main adventure, Blight of the Green Witch. The revisions of the smaller adventures will soon follow after the completion of Blight of the Green Witch. Editing will start while we are still doing the revisions of the following smaller adventures.
We expect the revisions to be completed in a month, so they should be ready in early to mid August. Editing will also be done by the end of August and the book will get into layout. So we are planning for a PDF release in early September.
See You Next Update
We will meet you again on the release of Tasty Lands of Silverplate soon!
Until then,
Stay sweet!
Silverplate News and Other Surprises!
over 1 year ago
– Mon, May 08, 2023 at 09:02:18 AM
Dear tasty foodfolk of Silverplate,
We are here today with lots of news about Silverplate and more. We wish to talk about the setting and the adventure, as well as our new release method for the PDFs, and our weekly-news blog posts. We will also provide you with estimated dates for the fulfillment of Silverplate.
The writing of the campaign setting is already done! We have already sent the files to editing, and some of the parts are already completed! We expect we will get to release the alpha document for it soon.
We Started on the Adventure
We have also started writing the Blight of the Green Witch and Other Adventures. İzel, Barkın and Emre are writing the long campaign. SDV, Ekin, and Emre are going to write the short adventures. Alican -our forever DM- is going to revise the adventures once they are complete.
We Will Make Partly PDF Releases
We have decided on a new method for releasing our PDFs before their final release. We will lay out and release parts of our books as they come along. This way, you can read and play with those parts in your 5E games, without needing to wait for the whole PDF to come out! Of course, we will release the final PDF when all the parts are completed.
Fulfillment Estimate
With the writing of the adventure, editing ,layout, and printing and shipping processes taken into consideration, we have some estimates on the fulfillment times of the PDFs and printed books. All the PDFs will be released by the end of August. Of course, this is because this date includes the adventures. The campaign setting will be released much sooner, possibly by June, with part-PDF releases within this month!
Once the PDFs are all released in August, we will proceed to the printed sampling and printing phase. Printing and shipping takes roughly 3 months in total. Thus, we will deliver your physical rewards by the end of November.
Weekly DRS News
We have also decided to become more transparent with our work and inform our backers even more on our progresses and weekly activities. For this, we are planning to make a blog post on our website ( each Monday after our weekly meeting. In these posts, we will mention the stuff we have done the previous week and are planning to do in that week. We will continue posting our regular 1-1.5 month progress updates on Kickstarter as well. This way, you’ll be able to see more into our development phases for Silverplate and other projects. You'll be able to see lots of artwork on a weekly basis as well!
See You Next Update
We will meet you again on our first blog post next Monday, and in a month to share more news on our progress.
Until then,
Stay sweet!